Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for in America and so much work to do. I am thankful today to live in a country that still allows its citizens to exercise their faith in God. Our only hope in America is to return to an environment that not just allows but encourages free expression of faith, especially the Christian faith expression.

Our founding fathers understood their need for an active relationship with their God through their Savior Christ. They set Biblical principles in place with the founding of America that we enjoy the benefits of today.

I am also thankful today for a wonderful wife, this has been a outstanding forty year journey. Our two children have given us the blessing of five grand children with two more on the way early next year, for that I am thankful.

May God richly bless you today and may you examine your life today and find many wonderful things to be thankful for. Let's all pray for a Miracle in America, "God we humbly confess our failures and ask you to Heal our land."

Have a Happy Thanksgiving,

Gary W. Phillips
Praying for a Miracle

Friday, November 18, 2011

Biblical World View

We need to re-examine our decision making processes. There has been a radical shift in America away from decision making with a Biblical World View to a Secular World View. We will only be able to get back on track in America if we revert back to a Biblical World View for living and decision making.

Take a moment and think about how you process your decisions in life. What standard do you use? If it's your emotions, intellect or circumstances those will all change and you will have no continuity in the process. If you base all decisions on Biblical principles you will be consistent. God will lead you in this process.

The Bible is the Master Blueprint for living. Get on the right track today.

Praying for a Miracle,

Gary W. Phillips

Friday, August 26, 2011

Payday Someday

This is an old saying, but one that applys to the events of the day.

If a family or business, on a year in year out basis makes $60,000 and spends $100,000, the end will come soon. For our nation our payday for years of abbusive, almost unlimited spending practices is now upon us.

For every $1.00 that the Federal government spents, it borrows $.40. That borrowing comes in the form of printing more cash or issuing more Federal Notes that are depressing the value of every asset that the general populous has worked hard to accumulate.

"Someday" is upon us.

Citizens must demand major cuts in spending by the Government. A reduction in the size of Government in the neighborhood of 40% will be required to repaid the problems.

We must start now Praying for a Miracle in America. A "Third Great Awakening" would be GREAT.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Friday, August 5, 2011

They Just Don't Get It

Well it's just another confirmation that politicians just don't get it. Even many of the newly elected representatives crumbled at the end and voted to expand the Debt Ceiling. They must stop blinking, hold their ground and live by time honored principles.

The market responded with a major sell off amounting to a 1,000 point fall in the Dow Jones Industrials. Many Americans have been hurt financially this week after the Congress and Senate refused to hold the line on Debt and Spending.

The Federal Government borrows 40 cents of every dollar it spends. This is just not acceptable. Americans are fed up with this practice. They are holding us and our children's futures hostage for the short term gratification of the love of money, lots of money.

Who will stand in the gap? Where are the prophets crying out for and demanding change in our land.

I am praying for a Supernatural Intervention now. We need an intervention from Almighty God to intercept this run away government.

"God revive Your people and change the lives of multitudes in America, put us on a new path, stop the insanity and restore Biblical order to this land. In Jesus Name, Amen"

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Time for Action

It's an exciting time in America. Whenever a crisis comes to America, Americans that have a Christian World View turn back to the one who is the Creator and Sovereign Sustainer of all things.

When we can fix our problems we tend to do exactly that. When the problem is beyond our capability of fixing, we tend to get on our knees and cry out to God. That's where the true power of America has always resided. Americans on their knees crying out to the One who can fix the mess.

Over the past few years it's been my pleasure to see God do one Miracle after another when all seemed hopeless. God wants to make Himself know to his creation.

Our dependence on God is not only found in the Bible, but it's found on our currency, our federal buildings, the pledge to our flag, and countless founding documents including the Constitution of the United States of America.

There are many exciting moves of God happening in America now. Revival is coming and changes will happen soon.

We will continue to hold our leaders accountable for this mess we are in, but ultimately we know that only a "supernatural intervention from Holy God" will be able to fix our Spiritual and Financial problems in America.

2 Chronicles 7:14(NKJV) if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our Responsibility

We will continue to put unrelenting pressure on politicians to do the right thing with the U.S. Debt, knowing that a crash will come soon if they don't execute radical measures.

In the meantime we will help as many people as possible to get out of debt and get their financial house in order. If we help individuals get free, they can help their family to be free, then families can help Churches get debt free, then Churches can help Communities to get debt free, the Communities can help Regions to be debt free, ....... You get the picture.

It is imparitive that we all take on personal responsibility.

We can change America by changing one person at a time.

Praying for a Miracle,

Gary W. Phillips

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who wants to be the Tail?

The Bible is truth and speaks clearly on the issue of national debt.

For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you. (Deuteronomy 15:6 NKJV)

The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. (Deuteronomy 28:12 NKJV)

And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them. (Deuteronomy 28:13 NKJV)

We can't break God's commands and not suffer judgement. The judgement in this case will be "other nations" will rule over us.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

When Will It Crash?

More deals and smokescreens that don't really do anything to fix our National Financial crisis. Politicians just want to put a bandaid on the massive problem, get more perks and give away more money to the masses to stay in office.

We need surgery, cemo would help also, but a bandaid, give us a massive break.

We need to stop the addiction to spending. The government will face the same consequences as a person addicted to spending, at some point they will run out of money or their Creditors will shut them down. Judgement day is coming.

Take care of your family, get prepared for a quick stop, not much warning, just a neck wrenching collision with the Debt Wall.

The Government won't be able to help, what will you do? Get started now.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Time

Well, it's time to start a viral movement in America before it's to late. We must get back to Biblical moral and financial principles. Just look on our currency and our federal buildings in D.C. how did God and Bible verses get there if our founders and past patriots didn't believe in those principles.

It's time to stop being weak willed, stop being pushed around and tolerating being called stupid by elite demagogs. Enough is enough. We have had it. It's time for every God fearing, morally strong, freedom loving American to stand up and be counted, not only to be counted but to be counted on to do something about the social and political drift in America.

The milk toast politicians don't have the courage to make the hard decisions. We must take a stand now before it's to late. I will be attending The Response rally in Houston on August 6th with ten's of thousands of other freedom loving Americans to cry out to God to save our nation.

Only a Miracle will fix this mess. I believe in Miracles. Only God has the solution for our ills and we are crying out to Him for help. We will cry out to Him for help and we will work hard at standing firm against the forces of evil that have been working against us for years. It's over, they have run out of time. "God grant us this victory, in Jesus name."

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Friday, June 10, 2011


Well its unbelievable that the Congress won't face the fact that the Debt is a ticking explosive device that will ultimately melt down the economy if not addressed soon.

It will take statesmen with lots of guts to do the right thing to save America. It will take a reduction of 45% in the size of Government to create the reserves needed to start paying on the National Debt at a rate to eleminate the debt in a decade.

It's a historiacle fact that you can't get out of debt by borrowing more money, and certianly not by printing more money.

Demand changes in our National Financial policy.

Pray for a Miracle.

Gary W. Phillips

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Count Down Has Started

We must replace every politician in Washington who won't massively reduce federal spending, which is the only solution to creating the reserves required to pay down the debt bomb.

The days of hoping the Government will do something for us are coming to an end, and soon.

Our future depends on some really hard decisions by politicians, which isn't comforting.

Praying for a Miracle,

Gary W. Phillips

Saturday, May 21, 2011

We Need Leaders Now

It is appalling that our current political leaders are just doing more of the same. No real answers. No real back bone. Locked down by fear. Where are the statesmen that will lay it all down for America and its people.

WE THE PEOPLE hold the key. As long as we will tolerate this weak willed, political correctness, things will not improve.

We must speak out with our collective power, our votes, voices, influence and resources. We must demand that the national financial policy change immediately. At $14.5 trillion in debt, its out of control.

Adding more to the debt ceiling and not making massive cuts to unneeded programs is insanity. We can not borrow our way out of debt. It doesn't work for families or businesses and won't work for a Government.

Do all you can to influence your network of friends to make a stand now, before time runs out on America. We don't know when the collapse of our governmental financial system will come, but it is coming. Speak out now, don't be timid. Get informed and speak out loudly. Don't be bullied.

Praying for a Miracle,

Gary W. Phillips

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More of the Same

I know the new congress is working to slow down the big Washington machine, but is it's to little to late? The minor tweaks in the budget, no shut down, compromises of all kinds doesn't make for a comfortable feeling.

Our country is in an economic mess, possibly just weeks or months away from an economic meltdown and the politicians are still playing footsies with the budget.

They should be taking a chain saw to the budget now a tooth pick. This just won't get it done. It will take trillions in reductions to get us back on course and only a hand full of brave politicians are even willing to acknowledge that. The citizens are getting restless. We won't put up with much more of the weak willed, spineless, inaction.

Demand that politicians adopt an aggressive reduction plan like "" recommends.

Keep praying.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Thursday, March 10, 2011

This Won't Be Easy

When a Government grows out of control for years, it won't be easy or without resistance when its time to get things under control. Our U.S. Government has been expanding without the corresponding revenue base to support it. Payday someday is now.

When a private company spends more than it takes in, very quickly the management must determines the problem, makes minor or major adjustments as required to keep the company in business. If revenues reduce, expenses must reduce or the company will be forced out of business.

Our Government has for years been addressing this situation by printing new currency or issuing debt. This has been done year in and year out for years. With the Federal Debt balance of $14+ trillion, we are now at a point that adjusting this faulty financial model will not only be painful but will come with major resistance from many liberal sectors of our society.

It's time for fiscal conservatives to band together and demand that the right thing be done, even if it's unpopular with a small segment of society. If we don't we will end up on the ash heap of history as a country that didn't have the will to make the right and hard choices to sustain their way of life.

America has always responded to adverse circumstances with a strong resolve and a will to prosper.

It's time to fight this demon of debt while we still have time.


Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Debt Clock is Ticking

Our U.S. Federal Debt isn't going away until the citizens of the US put pressure on Government officials. It's time to demand action that will move us toward debt freedom.

We must get a handle on the U.S. Federal Debt before it's to late. Small tweaks in the budget will not work, it will take major, I mean major changes in the budget to create enough excess cash to start paying on the debt.

We need 2,000,000 citizens screaming out in the streets, demanding Federal financial reform.

This is the biggest "Pay me now or Pay me later" scheme in recorded history.

As in all cases of financial mismanagement, there must be accountability and requirements on the officials to reduce spending below the amount of projected revenue to create the reserves required to start paying on the debt.

At this writing no elected official has proposed a plan to start paying down the debt. At best there are a few recommendations to reduce spending, but only by a plan like the one proposed in will America start paying down the debt and begin addressing the cancer that is eating away at our country and our freedom.

If you have ever been upside down in debt and felt the helplessness and pressure that comes with uncontrollable debt, just multiply that by a trillion or so and you might start to sense the pain that is coming to a city near you, soon.

Now is the time to pray, shout from the house tops and talk with everyone you know about this debt problem in America.

Pray for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Friday, February 18, 2011

Support The Change

While some new politicians are taking a strong fiscal conservative stand, the media and most leaders in the White House are on the attack mode.

We must FaceTheDebt and balance both State and Federal budgets and pay off the Debt or our freedom in the U.S. will be jeopardized.

Support all new politicians who are bold enough to carry this very unpopular message into the political marketplace.

Our Federal Government is currently enslaved by special deals with unions, media and political parties.

It's time to support the movement to demand a change in our national fiscal DNA. We need a strong, debt free Federal Government. We need to be the head and not the tail. (Deuteronomy 28:12-14)

Be kind and caring, but speak with a big stick.

Praying for a Miracle,

Gary P.

Link to above reference:

Friday, February 11, 2011

We Must Act Now

One of the things I fear the most in this life is the prospect of a grandchild asking me someday, "Pop, did you know about the problems in America? Why didn't you do something?"

Well I for one don't plan on having to say, "Yes I did, and no I didn't do anything." I plan to shout from the housetops a warning to everyone who will listen.

I once had a preacher give the following response to a group of people who were concerned about him sharing his faith with everyone he met. Here's his question to the group, "What would you think of me if I were driving down the street and saw a house on fire and knew the residents were in the house and I didn't stop to beat on the door with all my might and help the residents to safety?"

Obviously, any thinking person would say, "Stop! Beat on the door. Wake up the family inside. Save their lives!"

Well here we go. America's house is on fire and what are we doing to wake people up?

Share with everyone you know. Get the word out. Work hard, contribute, forward emails to your lists. Do all you can do to knock on the door and wake up America.

Pray for a Miracle, Gary P.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Day

Well today is Superbowl Sunday. The focus of the nation today is on a Football game. While celebrating this game, the debt disaster is running us into the ground as individuals and as a nation.

If the football teams were run like our Federal Government, we wouldn't be able to enjoy this Superbowl game because all the teams would be out of business.

Our Federal Elected officials and bureaucrats have let us down. They have sold us down the river. They have spent us into a Debt Disaster. It's time to put on the pads and take the field. It's time to do the hard and sometime painful job of blocking and tackling, spending less than we receive and pay off the debt.

Our greatest Superbowl will be played on the day we pay off the U.S. Federal Debt and become debt free as a nation.

Join the Face The Debt movement.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary P.

Deuteronomy 15:6 "For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Not Now?

What are we waiting on? Why so much talk about the subject and so little action? The first step is required before success can be achieved. The U.S. Federal Debt is daunting, but not impossible to eradicate.

Past generations would be appalled by the current debt that the people of the U.S. have been enslaved by. Proverbs says: The borrower is slave to the lender. We are the tail and not the head when we are in debt.

We owe it to the next generations to move the U.S. as quickly as possible to debt freedom. To quote an American hero: "Let's Roll". Yes, let's get going. You have the power in your hand to start the process. Embrace the Face The Debt plan and spread the word. Send the link to everyone you know. We can do this.

If you are still in debt, make a commitment to start getting out of debt today so you can experience the freedom that comes to an individual, family, organization, or, yes, even to a country that is debt free.

It will take a Miracle, so pray with me daily that God will deliver us as a Nation from this $14+ Trillion debt.

Pray for a Miracle,
Gary P.

Friday, January 21, 2011


With the exception of some new voices in Washington, it is incredible that our national leaders continue to be in denial about the U.S. Federal debt. Face it, our nation is in trouble and our leaders are still talking about raising the debt ceiling and going further in debt, putting us, our children and our future at further risk.

We must be the voices in the wilderness. We must let our voices be heard. Talk to everyone you know about the plan that will move us to Debt Freedom as a nation. Talk to your friends, visit with your legislators, we must do this now.

Set the standard by personally getting out of debt and spread the word about

Pray for a Miracle,
Gary P.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Debt Freedom

It is time to Face The Debt. Pass this web link to friends and associates. FPU and Crown graduates will be interested in spreading info on a plan to pay off the Debt. Every day we delay the Debt and interest grows.

Interest is above $400 billion annually.

Support this movement to pay off the U. S. Federal Debt.

Pray for a Miracle,
Gary P.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Live Tonight

Thanks to the hard work of our technology guy, John, our website is now up and the process of spreading the word can begin. Face The Debt gives a simple but effective plan to pay down the crushing U.S. Federal Debt.

Now is the time to prepare yourself with the facts about the U.S. Federal Debt and to understand the timeless simplicity of the Face The Debt Plan.

Have a great day. Get the word out. Our time to Face The Debt is now.

Pray for a Miracle,
Gary P.

Friday, January 14, 2011

We Have the Plan

Working on the Face The Debt website. Should be up and running in the next few days. Still no talk on the national scene about paying off the U.S. Federal debt. We are putting our country and citizens into bondage every day we delay in repayment of our Federal Debt.

We have the plan. Coming soon.

Pray for a Miracle,
Gary P.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Face The Debt is a new Citizen movement to raise the awareness of the urgent need in the U.S. to implement a plan to pay off the U.S. Federal Debt. Face The Debt submits a real and viable plan of Debt Freedom for the U.S.