Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

What a wonderful day to be with family and to remember the reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ the savior.  

On this day when Christmas is increasingly under attack, we in America still have the privilege of celebrating the day and giving thanks for the freedoms we still have. 

The fight is on, we will see where this all ends up. 

Blessings, Gary P 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

It's important to remember the sacrifice made by so many for our freedom on this and every day. My Dad was a quite warrior who answered the call to defend that freedom in WWII. He never talked much about the sacrifice he made but I could always know his thoughts when things he fought for were messed with by the media and liberal politicians.

My Dad was a faithful patriot to the day he died in 1988. He wouldn't be a happy camper today with the slide our nation is on to the left. He would say, we must stop this now before it's to late. Like in Germany, they waited to late to stop the slide. I fear we are at the Tipping Point right now.

Thanks to my Dad and 100's of thousands like him who weren't afraid to risk it all to keep free men free. May we answer the call, it will come soon.

Praying for a Miracle. Gary W, Phillips

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thy Kingdom Come

After grand baby number six this last week and number seven on the way, this is one granddad that is ready to do something to secure the liberty of my family in our United States of America.

There are many others in the USA that are in the same spot. Americans that believe in the fundamentals that made this nation strong are ready to join hands and take back our nation. We are the Majority.

I see many encouraging signs that the tide is turning. Political parties and politicians aren't our hope. Our deliverance will come by the faithful hands of men and women of faith that are willing to sacrifice all to see our nation and the world come back to the basic principles of our Creator.

The Kingdom of Christ is exploding around the globe, A Holy Nation ( 1 Peter 2:9-10 .) We are praying for a Spiritual Awakening that will change everything.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for in America and so much work to do. I am thankful today to live in a country that still allows its citizens to exercise their faith in God. Our only hope in America is to return to an environment that not just allows but encourages free expression of faith, especially the Christian faith expression.

Our founding fathers understood their need for an active relationship with their God through their Savior Christ. They set Biblical principles in place with the founding of America that we enjoy the benefits of today.

I am also thankful today for a wonderful wife, this has been a outstanding forty year journey. Our two children have given us the blessing of five grand children with two more on the way early next year, for that I am thankful.

May God richly bless you today and may you examine your life today and find many wonderful things to be thankful for. Let's all pray for a Miracle in America, "God we humbly confess our failures and ask you to Heal our land."

Have a Happy Thanksgiving,

Gary W. Phillips
Praying for a Miracle

Friday, November 18, 2011

Biblical World View

We need to re-examine our decision making processes. There has been a radical shift in America away from decision making with a Biblical World View to a Secular World View. We will only be able to get back on track in America if we revert back to a Biblical World View for living and decision making.

Take a moment and think about how you process your decisions in life. What standard do you use? If it's your emotions, intellect or circumstances those will all change and you will have no continuity in the process. If you base all decisions on Biblical principles you will be consistent. God will lead you in this process.

The Bible is the Master Blueprint for living. Get on the right track today.

Praying for a Miracle,

Gary W. Phillips

Friday, August 26, 2011

Payday Someday

This is an old saying, but one that applys to the events of the day.

If a family or business, on a year in year out basis makes $60,000 and spends $100,000, the end will come soon. For our nation our payday for years of abbusive, almost unlimited spending practices is now upon us.

For every $1.00 that the Federal government spents, it borrows $.40. That borrowing comes in the form of printing more cash or issuing more Federal Notes that are depressing the value of every asset that the general populous has worked hard to accumulate.

"Someday" is upon us.

Citizens must demand major cuts in spending by the Government. A reduction in the size of Government in the neighborhood of 40% will be required to repaid the problems.

We must start now Praying for a Miracle in America. A "Third Great Awakening" would be GREAT.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

Friday, August 5, 2011

They Just Don't Get It

Well it's just another confirmation that politicians just don't get it. Even many of the newly elected representatives crumbled at the end and voted to expand the Debt Ceiling. They must stop blinking, hold their ground and live by time honored principles.

The market responded with a major sell off amounting to a 1,000 point fall in the Dow Jones Industrials. Many Americans have been hurt financially this week after the Congress and Senate refused to hold the line on Debt and Spending.

The Federal Government borrows 40 cents of every dollar it spends. This is just not acceptable. Americans are fed up with this practice. They are holding us and our children's futures hostage for the short term gratification of the love of money, lots of money.

Who will stand in the gap? Where are the prophets crying out for and demanding change in our land.

I am praying for a Supernatural Intervention now. We need an intervention from Almighty God to intercept this run away government.

"God revive Your people and change the lives of multitudes in America, put us on a new path, stop the insanity and restore Biblical order to this land. In Jesus Name, Amen"

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips