Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More of the Same

I know the new congress is working to slow down the big Washington machine, but is it's to little to late? The minor tweaks in the budget, no shut down, compromises of all kinds doesn't make for a comfortable feeling.

Our country is in an economic mess, possibly just weeks or months away from an economic meltdown and the politicians are still playing footsies with the budget.

They should be taking a chain saw to the budget now a tooth pick. This just won't get it done. It will take trillions in reductions to get us back on course and only a hand full of brave politicians are even willing to acknowledge that. The citizens are getting restless. We won't put up with much more of the weak willed, spineless, inaction.

Demand that politicians adopt an aggressive reduction plan like "FaceTheDebt.com" recommends.

Keep praying.

Praying for a Miracle, Gary W. Phillips

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